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Tonny Parnell

Cooled Iron as SUPER-CONDUCTOR that is many times better and offers less resistance than copper in a Buried corridor for Storage and transport of hydrogen  

Cooled Iron as SUPER-CONDUCTOR that is many times better and offers less resistance than copper in a Buried corridor for Storage and transport of hydrogen in refrigerated PTX infrastructure network
We have now accepted to pay a little more for CO2-free, "sustainable" energy. 

We have also realized that a global energy infrastructure network is necessary for trade and exchange of green energy - wind and (solar) energy as well as Power to X products. 

With a global Electricity - (Gas) and Power to X infrastructure, we can trade with all parts of the world across borders, but we can also, and each country can at any time become independent from any other. - this means less risk of future energy crises. 
If there is global connection to a global energy infrastructure network, it will also mean that there is a global interest in no one waging war against others using the energy network as we see in the Ukraine war

I think hydrogen is the answer
We have to get used to looking at energy in a new way
We can start by calling the new energy M-energy, since we can consider M-energy as a unit that includes, Multi-energies, - renewable electricity energy and ALL PTX energies as one unit = M-energy

Power to X energies are derived from EL, and must be distributed in the same M energy infrastructure.

Hydrogen is one of, and will probably be, the most important future energy type. Hydrogen is distributed under pressure >370 bar, and together with ammonia, hydrogen forms a refrigerant that can be used to cool down (to stabilize and minimize power loss in) grounded high-voltage cables >=132KV, simply by adjusting the pressure difference from filling >700 bar to at least 370 bar, and a regulated delivery temperature of <= minus 195 °C., which is the boiling point of hydrogen.

If we can maintain a feed temperature of <= -195 °C., we see that ordinary "IRON" changes character and becomes a SUPER-CONDUCTOR that is many times better and offers less resistance than the 50 times more expensive copper. (Copper is a scarce resource and China is currently sitting on many copper mines, whereas iron is available to all countries.)

This means that we have to think about energy in a new way, - - in a way that the electricity consumption is balanced in relation to the PTX products that supplement, or are used to convey M-energy in a multi-infrastructure pipeline under pressure and at a minus temperature of < -195 °C.

Furthermore, the location of larger consumption units "District heating plants" - larger production companies - must be found in a location that is connected to the new M-energi - infrastructure network, which in turn must be structured according to larger cities, airports, bunkering for shipping, where a main line could probably be drawn from Gibraltar - over Fehmarn and up through the upcoming RING6 towards our new NATO members - Sweden and Finland - with ship bunkering at Elsinore's new Multi-cruise quay.

. An infrastructure network for Power to x products is relatively innovative, but the same problems arise as it is cheaper to transport the green energy in electric cables and decentralized electrolysis transformers for Power to X. and storing at strategically selected locations. We have accepted that Green energy has become a little more expensive, but if we think about it a little, it doesn't have to be that way.

Hydrogen becomes slightly more expensive than electricity because electrolytic treatment of electricity into hydrogen reduces utilization to only approx. 75%, the last 25% is "wasted" by the development of heat during the process. 

The same happens today with the transport of electricity over long distances, - - when that waste is calculated in commercial value, the enormous amount is what we have previously accepted as an (unavoidable) loss during transport. 

If we think ahead to a completed GREEN infrastructure network, the average transport distance will certainly be approx. 9% shorter, but the Global waste % will still be enormous X x the total energy consumption of all of Denmark - - - enormous figures.

Denmark's total electricity consumption is approx. 33,333,333,333 kWh. yearly. and if we expect that there is an average energy loss in Denmark's entire energy grid, approx. 8 - 10% corresponds to the energy loss of approx. DKK 33 billion yearly.
and the total energy loss for the individual countries varies from (the colder) Europe approx. 5-7% and for the tropical belt approx. 8 - 12% - USA 6 - 8%

For Germany Approx. 45 billion Euro - - - converted to the whole world, the amount is enormous

The value of the energy loss by electric transport today alone far exceeds the costs of transport in refrigerated multi-pipelines where possible. the -195 °C. cold hydrogen is transported in the same multi-pipeline.

In ALL cases, the enormous waste energy can be collected by simple heat pumps decentralized located over the entire global energy infrastructure network, which generate the surplus heat for larger district heating centers connected to the infrastructure network.

 The same energy loss occurs when transporting electricity >= 400KV in ground cables, but here cable laying is further complicated by the fact that (unlike heated air lines) the cable cannot get rid of the heat, and since the resistance "OHM" is accelerated at higher temperatures, "noise in the power grid" occurs (lumps in the flow)

 When collecting the excess heat around Electric cables >=400KV with heat pumps (cooling of the cables), a faster transport (movement) of molecules in the object is achieved, which prevents resistance (lumps in the current) When cooling down the cable, the loss "Ohm" is reduced until the absolute zero point - 273.2 °C. where there will be no energy loss at all.

Krydstogthavn helsingør

It will be possible to calculate the most profitable temperature in the cable, and regulate this in relation to transported quantity and market price, and at the same time prevent "Noise" in the power grid due to overload.

 Calculations are missing in relation to Transport of Hydrogen in the new Power to X infrastructure network and when we know that Hydrogen becomes liquid at < - 253 °C. - could transport of Hydrogen and Electricity perhaps take place in a combi pipeline? - -
Here is a task solution for a cable manufacturer. 

It is generally research across what is known that we lack. - - there are unsolved problems but also obvious advantages of a global grounded Power to X infrastructure network - - - Perhaps the solution to the unsolved.

Perhaps a cable manufacturer should develop a new pipeline that transports high-voltage electricity and hydrogen in a cooled pipeline all the way from the Offshore Wind Farms to the Infrastructure Network, where a heat pump supplements the cooling on critical long stretches?

 By establishing a global Power to X infrastructure network, new markets will emerge for pipe and cable manufacturers.


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Storage and transport of hydrogen in refrigerated PTX infrastructure network
It will be possible to Storage and transport hydrogen and El in refrigerated PTX infrastructure network and calculate the most profitable temperature in a global energi infrastruktur grid, based on special superconducting materials that are cooled to near-zero energi losses....
Udvikling Storage and transport of hydrogen in refrigerated PTX infrastructure network


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