Smiling Restaurant Smiling Restaurant - Edit and Create New Restaurant

You must log in to Smiling Pos and Smiling Restaurant to edit or create a new Restaurant. - If you do not have a login then register and create new Restaurant here

Enter your Username & nbsp; here:  :   

And & nbsp; Enter your Password Here:

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Are you in doubt or have any questions for us? Spørg endelig her

Denmark is a very small country and we have not divided the country into Provinces , therefore the province in Denmark is the same as Area (area - North Zealand - Bornholm)
Note: Your Restaurant is displayed Globally, therefore your city - region - Spelled internationally without ÆØÅ, but displayed in Danish if you search in Denmark - Select your city and see how it is spelled internationally.
Note! Enter your Restaurant in Danish first - switch to English Click on the English flag, but ALWAYS REMEMBER to update before you change languages. - Finish your Danish page completely before changing languages ​​

If your Restaurant is to present itself nicely on all media, Mobile phone, PC or laptop, replace the text in this box with a minimum of 250 words describing your Restaurant. Mention your Restaurant several times without it sounding like a 'plate'.

If you do not type approx. 250 words in this field, you can / should not use the image in wide format - panorama as shown in template 2 because this image will not go free of the photo slide all Restaurant starts with

The entry is module-built, ie. you select a module that matches the topic you are about to enter. you can write as much as you want, but if you are writing text in the blue text field - Will and black - fields 6 - 7 - 8 in the PDF manual, then make sure that ALL columns 6 - 7 - 8 with heading, image size and text, takes up approx. the same in height. you can also create & quot; page modules & quot;

See more under GRATIS BOOKING SYSTEM and Help with entering See also the PDF manual to help skabelon 2 here

Once you have filled in all the fields and you have created your Restaurant, a PHOTO SLIDE will be displayed for editing and uploading 4 photos to your Restaurant, which will be displayed in the photo slide