
How to enter your Restaurant for free

At the bottom you will see an illustration of the entire input template

First you have to enter a whole set of basic information about your Restaurant but the great work we have done for you - print this help page out so you have help at your fingertips.

Restaurant Rooms

Don't think about the Design, but here you still have an explanation for the visual fields that they look like on a regular PC.
When the page is displayed on your I-phone, the columns will shift below each other from the left and appear in a row where the user can scroll up and down the page. (therefore, you will have a much better overview if you create your Restaurant on a regular PC )

When you open the edit page: First select the country where your Restaurant is located. - - Then select the Region your Restaurant is located in - Select the city (We have users in 28,000 cities, - if your city is missing, go directly to the page here and enter your city)

All fields and information pertain to your Restaurant. - Only your email phone number and website concern you

If you have additional questions, please ask us at Ask us here FAQ

Basic information

Restaurant Rooms

First fill in ALL fields in the entry template's basic information upper section

First you have to enter a whole lot of basic information about your restaurant but we have done the great work for you - print this help page so you have help at your fingertips.

The booking button and the facility fields are written automatically after the information you have entered in the upper part of the entry template.
Booking inquiries are sent to the I-mail address you enter in the basic information, if you have a website and enter it, we will also link directly to it.

If you have additional questions, please ask them at Ask FAQ here

Visual fields


Enter New Restaurant

Photo slide

Restaurant Rooms

Photo slide: At the top left we have created a photo slide where you can insert 5 photos that are continuously displayed and repeated, For each photo there is a field for subtitle, briefly write 'Room 2. ' preferably different for all photos

Note - Your Restaurant is created and updated in three sections
Basic Information - Text and last upload for photo slide. After you have entered ALL the basic information, a section with the visual text fields will appear and you can then edit and upload to your photo slide

Looking at the PDF Help Page that you have just printed or when you are watching photo above, Then you have the top with red marked field consisting of a photo slide, with space for five photos with subtitle. (the photo slide will always flow to the left when viewing on a large screen)

Fields 1 to 9 as they appear on the and the colorful photo,
1st field is 'Photoslide' with space for 4 photos in the upper left. To the right the amenities your BB offers and a booking button in the middle. - By copying the small HTML code we created on the entry page. You can use the booking button on your own website.
2nd field is introductory heading and is printed in bold max. 100 characters.
3: field is introductory text and To keep photo 4 below the photo slide, type approx. 2 lines or 350 characters in field three
4th field is a photo upload field where you can insert a photo, but NOTE! Do not have a panoramic photo as shown here, approx. 3 times wider than the height or approx. 900 X 200 then it is better to leave photo field 4 blank.
5th Fields are used for the appearance of the page To keep a short distance to Photo 4. - You can write a single or Two lines about your Restaurant.

Field 6 - 7 - 8 are three columns 6 - 7 - 8. Each of the three columns has one Headline field - a photo field - and ends with a text field.

6 - 7 - 8 Headline are all headings related to photo 6 - 7 - 8 and the rest Text 6 - 7 - 8. This headline is written in bold

6 - 7 - 8 Photo Fields where you can upload a photo of your rooms - remember photos should not be larger than 350x350px and then perform best if your photos are roughly the same size.

6 - 7 - 8 Text Fields. - When you enter your Restaurant, in the upper part, fields 2 and 5, try to mention your Restaurants frequently as well as other Google keywords, but exaggerate not so your customers do not understand what you write. - it is text boxes 2 - 5 and 6 that rank highest on Google's search engine.

NOTE! ALL three columns 6 - 7 - 8 should preferably be large - fill equally in height. - if you use Facebook then be aware that you should preferably adjust the text in field 8 so that the text field, with or without Facebook, is the same height as the other 2.

Field 9 Facebook: If you are not on Facebook leave the field blank, otherwise enter your FB link. - You cannot change the text around the FB button, but your Restaurant name will be inserted instead.

10. Everything in the bottom field is automatically printed from the basic information you entered.
See this template in use at Sonjas Restaurant

For All Photos there is a text box that describes the image you insert, - Not all texts are displayed with the image, but it is good order and custom to give everyone a name, or very briefly, describe all the photos that are placed on the web. - This is because Google can then index and display images of a Google search result.
When we know it, we also know that all Photos on Google have a link to your Restaurant which gives a higher ranking on Google.- - - Therefore, always write a saying name or description for ALL your photos.
The text box for All 4 photos in the photo slide appears when your restaurant is searched, so they are also used as Google search boxes.
Think about it when you fill in the Photoslide lyrics. 'Entrance to Sonjas Restaurant' - - 'Sonjas Restaurant Blue Room' 'Sonjas Restaurant Bathroom' etc.
Note! - The photo texts will not be translated into English, If you have a predominantly international audience you can choose to write them all in English - German or another language ..
Note: It has become common for new lawyers to search the internet for images posted online without your copyright. Therefore, be sure that the copyright has been waived or that you have the copyright to the photos you are using.